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Showing posts from April, 2020

Export Scenario of Rice

Export Scenario of Rice Farming, a profession of hope; a profession which fills the empty stomachs of the human population; a profession which largely contributes to a country's GDP especially India; a profession which brings the significant foreign exchange to a nation through it's import and export. Rice is a crop which is considered as a symbol of prosperity and wealth in our motherland, India. Rice is also one of the major constituent of most of world's population diet, especially of Asians. Rice is the agricultural commodity with the third-highest worldwide production, after sugarcane and maize and India ranks 2nd in production of rice. This leads to opportunity to export worldwide and now india is leading exporter of rice to global markets. In 2018 India had exports worth $7.4 billion contributing to 30.1%of total world rice export followed by Thailand and Vietnam having share 22.7% and 9% respectively in world market. During year 2015-16 it near

Covid-19 Halts 2020's Fruits and Vegetable Export

                                                                                                                                  Source: The Novel coronavirus continues to haunt countries since WHO declared it pandemic. Since 11 March 2020 the number of countries affected by coronavirus has risen from 114 to 211 till 7 April 2020. Coronavirus's advent has staggered the economies globally affecting everyone.            In India, from the day of announcement of country lockdown, it has resulted in halting of various industries. In the agriculture sector, particularly fruits and vegetables have come to standstill, affecting the logistics, supply chain, demand, and supply, directly showing its outcomes on its producers. India's export share in fruits and vegetables mainly comprises of West Asia and East European market but the global lockdown has heavily affected the same. Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) has

Indian Tea Industry & It’s Export Potential in ASEAN Countries

INTRODUCTION Tea is one of the ancient and non-alcoholic beverages made steeping the leaves of Camellia Sinensis used throughout the world because of its taste, aroma and health benefits. There are different types of tea across the globe like Black tea, Green Tea, Yellow, Oolong and White tea etc., in which black tea is more than 75% of all tea produced in the world and 20% is green tea. Tea has many antioxidants like polyphenols (theaflavins, thearubigins and catechins) that can help prevent several chronic diseases including cancer. There are a wide range of tea available in the market across the globe, but some of black tea hail from the Indian regions like Assam, Darjeeling and Kangra. There are numerous scientific evidence showing that black tea can make significant contribution to a healthy lifestyle, and in the area of chronic diseases including cardiovascular health and dental hygiene. Production Highlights India is the 2 nd largest producer of tea in th

Garlic a potential crop for exporting to South Asian countries

Introduction – Rajasthan in itself resides a huge potential for export, it’s just a matter of identification of the potential area and the time to invest. According to National Horticulture Board, Rajasthan is number one in terms of production of garlic with 52.87% share. My home town, Kota, also known as garlic bowl of Rajasthan produces around 90% of the total production. The climatic conditions and the soil type are favorable for growing of the garlic crop. Amongst the production of garlic in Rajasthan, Kota comes second after the Baran district. These two districts have the huge potential to export. Garlic is employed for several conditions associated with the center and blood system.. These conditions include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Coronary heart disease, heart attack, reduced blood flow. According to APEDA, India comes 2 nd after China in terms of production and market share. China have captured the market for garlic all around th

Can India Become A Leading Exporter of Onion?

Can India Become A Leading Exporter of Onion?   Source: Introduction Onion ( Allium cepa L ) is an important vegetable crop not only for consumption point of view but also as a main exporting crop among all the fruits and vegetables. India rank 3 rd in export of onion after Netherland and Mexico. Onions are globally cultivated in 6.30 million ha of land and there is a production of 122.21 million tonnes of onion per year. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, a total of 144 countries were involved in onion production in the year 2017. However, the eight top onion-producing countries produce around 65 per cent of global onion. India is the second-largest onion-producing country in the world with 22.43 million tonnes each year on an average, while largest is China. Onion production in India The major onion producing states of   India are Mahar