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Can India Become A Leading Exporter of Onion?

Can India Become A Leading Exporter of Onion?

Onion (Allium cepa L) is an important vegetable crop not only for consumption point of view but also as a main exporting crop among all the fruits and vegetables. India rank 3rd in export of onion after Netherland and Mexico.
Onions are globally cultivated in 6.30 million ha of land and there is a production of 122.21 million tonnes of onion per year. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, a total of 144 countries were involved in onion production in the year 2017. However, the eight top onion-producing countries produce around 65 per cent of global onion. India is the second-largest onion-producing country in the world with 22.43 million tonnes each year on an average, while largest is China.
Onion production in India
The major onion producing states of  India are Maharashtra, Karnataka and Gujarat which contribute over 50 percent of All India production, while Maharashtra alone contributing 28.32% percent of India’s total onion production. The other contributing states of India are Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh. and Rajasthan. However production vary from state to state while Gujarat is an exception, as it has a better record on yield. There are three planting seasons for the onion crop in India –
1. Kharif (planted between July-August and harvested in October-December)
2. Late Kharif (planted between October-November and harvested in January-March)
3. Rabi (planted between December-January and harvested in March-May).
Among all these three seasons in onion production Rabi account highest yield with 70 per cent, Kharif accounts 20 per cent, and late Kharif accounts 10 per cent of total yield of Onion.

Agrifound Light Red, Agrifound Dark Red, NHRDF Red, Agrifound White, Agrifound Rose and Agrifound Red, Pusa Ratnar,  Pusa Red, Pusa White Round are the major varieties which are being exported from India while Certain varieties of yellow onion that are suitable for export in European countries are Tana F1, Arad-H, Suprex, Granex 429, Granex 55and HA 60.

Export of Onion
The demand of Indian Onion in the world is very high. India ranked Third position with a share of 10.49 % while Netherland is on the top with a market share of 15.66%. The country has exported 2182826.23 MT of fresh onion to the world for the amount of Rs. 3467.06 crores/ $497.94 USD Millions during the year 2018-19. Major export destination for the export of Onion as per 2018-19 data are Bangladesh, Malaysia, UAE, Sri Lanka and Nepal.


Export opportunities for India
Currently India ranked 3rd in exporting its onion with a market share of 10.49%. USA, UK, Malaysia, Germany and Canada are the major importers of Onion.

Indian Onions are in demand throughout the year due to its pungency. However the major reason that we can’t penetrate huge market like USA and UK is that there is an issue with MRL (Maximum Residue Level) of Indian Onion. Indian Onions are not able to match the MRL of these markets. Once we are able to meet the standard MRL of these markets India will certainly become the leading exporter of the Onion in the world.
Achieving these permissible MRL of these market is not a difficult task. The government should impart training programs on for the onion growing farmers in major onion growing states like Maharashtra, Karnataka etc. by linking with Krishi Vigyan Kendra, State and Central  agriculture universities in order to train them about MRL (Maximum Residue Limit) in Onion which most often becomes an apple of discord between trading in International Trade.



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