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Covid-19 Halts 2020's Fruits and Vegetable Export


The Novel coronavirus continues to haunt countries since WHO declared it pandemic. Since 11 March 2020 the number of countries affected by coronavirus has risen from 114 to 211 till 7 April 2020. Coronavirus's advent has staggered the economies globally affecting everyone.
           In India, from the day of announcement of country lockdown, it has resulted in halting of various industries. In the agriculture sector, particularly fruits and vegetables have come to standstill, affecting the logistics, supply chain, demand, and supply, directly showing its outcomes on its producers. India's export share in fruits and vegetables mainly comprises of West Asia and East European market but the global lockdown has heavily affected the same. Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) has observed a 16 per cent decline in India's fruit and vegetable exports from $1.19 billion to $1 billion for the period between April 2019 and January 2020 and for the same period the previous year. The period from April to June is particularly important for mango and grapes' export but by the time lockdown will be over it would already result in huge losses. Some exporters have expected a loss of 30-40 per cent in export in the current season. The grape crop which was exported 110072.109 MT in the year 2018-19 has suffered 73048.9 MT loss in export for the year 2019-20 with the exported quantity of 84051.004 MT (traceability, APEDA). The sealing of state borders in India has also resulted in staggering progress in the supply chain of Fruits and Vegetables throughout the country.
           ICAR, the apex agri-research body is assessing the impact of the COVID-19 on agriculture and allied sectors to minimize its crippling effect on countries’ food security, which is already burdened with doubling the farmer’s income goal. On the other hand, the European Union has relaxed the norm on imports of Fruits and Vegetables. Earlier, a physical certificate has to be accompanied by the lot, issued by export authorities, but now online certification will be enough to make the process easier and faster. WTO has also dedicated a page on COVID-19 pandemic to provide relevant notifications to its members regarding the virus’s impact on import and export and WTO activities.
           This pandemic disease has created a panic situation globally in terms of medically, economically, for food security, research and development but has led all countries to work together to eradicate it radically. 



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