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Production and Exports of Tobacco by South East Asean Countries


Tobacco Board, Ministry of Commerce & Industries, Govt Of IndiaThe rich taste and smoothness of Indian tobacco, developed in the 17th Century by Portuguese, is worldwide appreciated. It's now a more and more popular and valued drug on the global market of tobacco and has made its way into cigarettes developed in different countries. In the world tobacco industry, India has an amazing and egalitarian profile and is a significant commercial crop grown here. India is the world's third biggest manufacturer and exporter of tobacco. Brazil and USA are ahead of India.


• In 2018-2019, overall tobacco exports and tobacco replacements produced amounted to US$ 981.33 million, and in 2019-20 exceeded US$ 558.40 million (until October 2019). Indian tobacco is exported in about 100 countries.
• India mainly exports to Belgium, Korea, Nigeria, Egypt and Nepal unmanufactured tobacco. The major demand for Indian tobacco exports is from Western Europe


The Indian Tobacco Board supports farmers, merchants and exporters of tobacco. The Board supports a thriving organization with a profound social conscience and clear national engagement by building synergies between these stakeholders. In order to maintain a reasonable price for the commodity, the Board calculates the market and controls the production of FCV Tobacco in line with market. The Tobacco Board assists tobacco farmers in obtaining crop loans, quality seeds, fertilizers and other essential materials. In turn, it urges GAP farmers to develop premium tobacco goods to satisfy increasing market demand.
On the other hand, In a fair and open climate the Board carries out auctions to market tobacco. On the export sector, by carrying out brand building activities and engaging in foreign tobacco trade shows, the Board aim to boost established markets and establish new markets for Indian tobacco and tobacco goods. The Board supports trade delegations to prospective countries of supply and welcomes delegations from other Member States.
India, China sign protocol for export of Indian tobacco to Chinese ...


Indonesia is one of the country which is largest in terms of population and tobacco industry. In Indonesia a population of around 220 million and smoking prevalence rate was around 60%. It is also the world’s fifth largest cigarette producer. In 2002, it had around 250 big cigarette factories producing more than 220 billion sticks of clove cigarettes or Kretek. The production of white cigarettes was very insignificant in comparison to clove cigarettes. The export of clove cigarettes was also significant, at around 20% of total cigarette exports, and three-fourth went to Malaysia in that year. It is because of cheap labor that Indonesia has become the heaven of many multinational corporations that utilize the AFTA’s CEPT scheme to penetrate the ASEAN market. For cigarettes, Indonesia became a net exporter. On the other hand, a small amount of white cigarettes is imported by Indonesia from non-ASEAN countries. Trade in raw tobacco is mainly with non-ASEAN countries where the impact of AFTA is negligible.

The Philippines and Thailand tales vary from the Indonesian reports. These two ASEAN countries have a total tobacco industry lower than Indonesia. The large part of the tobacco industry in Philippines consists of a number of private-owned factories and a state-owned cigarette factory in Thailand – all these factories produce local and foreign-brand cigarettes. The introduction of AFTA reduced domestic tobacco prices. Thus, there has been a huge decline in real tobacco prices in recent decades.
In Philippines, Tobacco has had a comparatively greater role than Thailand. It was a source of employment for around two million people. Around three quarters of the supply of tobacco was produced domestically, with the remainder exporting. Around 97% of production served domestic demand and the rest was exported. While most cigarette exportations have been carried out in non ASEAN- countries, the share of ASEAN has steadily increased since 1995. The rise was even faster in 2003. In the Philippines the CEPT AFTA program appears to profit. One of the explanations for the improved share in overall cigarette consumption in the Philippines of the manufacture of tobacco is a substantial decrease in the tariff rate. The reduction in tariffs lowered the expense of ASEAN products and also lowered local smokers 'output costs.

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The COVID-19 pandemic is an opportune time for smokers and vapers to quit their addiction, says the Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance



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